Rudi's Homepage - Programs



This page contains programs I wrote for the KDE desktop environment. Close related to this category are the Qt-programs. environment.
Last time updated: 18.06.2018 20:40


Description: KMatedit is a KDE-application which produces python-sourcecode for the Lightflow-raytracer. To get an impression of the fantastic capabilities of Lightflow you may also have a look at the computer graphics corner of my page. Being a very powerful program, Lightflow objects have a lot of option and switches. So I wrote kMatEdit for generating python source of objects like lights, cameras, transformations, ... where the amount of options make it difficult to remember them all properly.


Configuration of a camera environment.

Configuration of a light object.

Configuration of the rendering settings.

Configuration of a composed transformation.


Missing/planned features:


kMatEdit V. 1.0
Initial release
kMatEdit V. 1.1
Feature enhancements


Description: A2psfrontend is what you call it - a kde frontend to the command-line tool a2ps. This tool converts text files into postcript (e.g. for saving or printing), providing tons of options about the layout. You can specify the number of pages per sheet, line-numbers, headers, footers, titles and a lot more - thus resulting in a in a messy fat command line interface - a challenge for a GUI-frontend.


Text Layout tab open.

Header Style tab open.


Missing/planned features:


a2psfrontend V. 1.1
First but stable and usable release.


Description: KVoulumeRenderer is a program which which displays discrete three-dimensional signals or in short voxel data. Such kind of data is -for example- the result of a tomography scan.
KVolumeRenderer is a MDI program using the KDE 2.0 API, so you will be able to work with multiple datasets and multiple views (if you don't run out of memory since voulume datasets are very memory consuming).
Currently only 8/16 bits-per-sample plain raw files are supported (integer!) (plus text and .df3 files in later versions) but there is a parser included which looking for .INFO files describing the voxel space. The rendering system started as a forward-projection system using a z-buffer for HSR and shading. The shader uses (currently) lamberts law. Now to the syntax of the .INFO-files

  1. All lines which doesn't start with a number are threaten as comments.
  2. Lines containing "Layer" or "Schichten" should provide the number of layers / the depth of the voxel space.
  3. Lines containing "Groesse" or "Dimension" should provide the size of a layer given as "widthxheight" (inluding the 'x')!
  4. Lines containing "Graustufen" or "Colors" should provide the sample format (currently supported: 256 or 65536/65k)
An example.INFO file:
  # describes the volume data set "example"
  16 Layer
  16x16 Dimension
  256 Colors.
Even with an .INFO file the parameters set will be displayed to the user via a dialog before the import starts.


A CT-scan rendered from two different viewpoints using forward-projection with zBuffer shading (used in versions 0.1 & 0.2).

Images of the raycasting-version (Version 0.3). From upper-left clockwise: X-Ray-projection with additional skin surface (interpolated z-buffer!), accumulated projection with additional surface build from MIP-projection (interpolated z-buffer!), skin surface (interpolated z-buffer!),accumulated projection.


Missing/planned features:


kVolumeRenderer V. 0.1
Initial release, uses forward projection & zbuffer shading.
kVolumeRenderer V. 0.2
Some improvements to the renderer.
kVolumeRenderer V. 0.3
Uses raycasting instead of forward projection. Added accumulated rendering with optional surface projection (either skin or MIP surface).
kVolumeRenderer V. 0.4
Improved raycasting version. Better shading and plain text/.df3 import.